Take the Next Step to Better Hearing with a Solution Beyond Hearing Aids

The Power of Two Working Together as One

Cochlear Implants from Advanced Bionics

While hearing aids are a solution for many people, there comes a point when they may no longer be effective, which can be a frustrating experience. It’s worthwhile to explore the next hearing solutions available—so you can reconnect with loved ones and regain the vibrant sounds of life.

With today’s advancements in hearing technology, an increasing number of people with significant hearing loss are enjoying restored hearing with cochlear implants. This advanced hearing solution is designed to help you regain the sounds and joys of life you may be missing because of your hearing loss.

Advanced Bionics cochlear implants feature the most innovative technology available, with features designed to help you hear your best in every environment, including noisy surroundings. AB’s Naída CI sound processor integrates Phonak technology familiar to millions of hearing aid users worldwide and is compatible with Phonak wireless streaming accessories.

For more information on the advantages of AB cochlear implant technology, please complete this form:

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Thank you for contacting us to assist with your hearing solutions. Count on us—a community of hearing health professionals and recipients of cochlear implants—to help you Hear and Be Heard™. A representative from Advanced Bionics will be in touch soon!

If your request needs immediate attention or you have additional questions, please contact Hear@AdvancedBionics.com.
Toll Free Phone:  +1.866.844.HEAR (4327) US and Canada

We're here to help

Our team is comprised of caring professionals and dedicated volunteers who provide you and your loved ones with information, education, and support for choosing, getting, and living with cochlear implants.


AB Privacy Policy AB takes your privacy seriously. We will never sell or transfer your personal information to other companies for marketing purposes.


تم إرسال النموذج بنجاح!

شكرًا لك على الاتصال بنا لتقديم المساعدة بشأن الحلول السمعية الخاصة بك. يمكنك الاعتماد على — مجتمع أخصائيي الرعاية السمعية ومتلقي غرسات القوقعة الصناعية — لمساعدتك على أن تسمع العالم ويسمعك Hear and Be Heard™‎‎‎. سيتصل بك أحد ممثلي Advanced Bionics قريبًا!

إذا كان طلبك بحاجة لاهتمام فوري أو كانت لديك أسئلة إضافية، يرجى إرسال رسالة إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني التالي: 


إننا هنا لتقديم المساعدة

يتكون فريقنا من أخصائيي رعاية وفريق عمل مخصص من المتطوعين الذين يوفرون لك ولأحبائك المعلومات والتدريب والدعم فيما يخص اختيار غرسات القوقعة الصناعية والحصول عليها والعيش بها


 سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بشركة AB تتعامل شركة AB مع خصوصيتك على محمل الجد. لن نقوم مطلقًا ببيع أو نقل معلوماتك الشخصية إلى شركات أخرى لأغراض التسويق
