Internal Devices

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Internal Devices

MRI Safety

The MRI Safety information page provides information for AB Cochlear Implants, within the United States.

Intended Audience: Surgeons, Audiologists, Hearing Health Care Professionals

Go to MRI Site

MRI Safety Procedural Videos

The MRI Safety Procedural vidoes provide information for AB Cochlear Implants, within the United States.

Intended Audience: Surgeons, Audiologists, Hearing Health Care Professionals

Instructions for Use (IFUs)

The documents on this site provide Instructions for use for Advanced Bionics Products within the United States.

Intended Audience: Surgeons, Audiologists, Hearing Health Care Professionals, and Patients

Technical Specifications

These document provide technical specifications for HiRes™ Ultra 3D cochlear implant and HiRes 90K™ cochlear implants within the United States.

Intended Audience: Surgeons, Audiologists, Hearing Health Care Professionals