MRI Safety Information | Advanced Bionics

MRI Safety Information

For Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implants, Canada

Testing has demonstrated that the Advanced Bionics HiRes implant family is MRI Conditional. Conditions vary by geography. A patient with the implant may be safely scanned with MRI only under very specific conditions. Scanning under different conditions may result in severe patient injury.

MRI Safety Information by Type of Implant

Type of Implant Model Number MRI Field Strength (T) Spatial Gradient Field (T/m) Max Head SAR (W/kg) Max Body SAR (W/kg)
Clarion 1.0* MMT-5100 L/R MRI is contraindicated None None None
Clarion 1.2* AB-5100 L/R MRI is contraindicated None None None
Clarion CII Bionic Ear*     AB-5100H MRI is contraindicated None None None
HiRes 90K*     CI-1400 1.5T 2.5 T/m ≤ 1 W/kg ≤ 1.7 W/kg
HiRes 90K Advantage     CI-1500 1.5T 2.5 T/m ≤ 1 W/kg ≤ 1.7 W/kg
HiRes Ultra CI-1600


3.47 T/m 13.90 T/m*** ≤ 3.2 W/kg ≤ 2 W/kg
  3.0T** 6.9 T/m ≤ 2.6 W/kg ≤ 2 W/kg
Ultra 3D
CI-1601 1.5T 20 T/m ≤ 3.2 W/kg ≤ 2 W/kg
  3.0T 20 T/m ≤ 2.6 W/kg ≤ 2 W/kg

* These devices are no longer sold in the EU or North America
** For MRI the magnet has to be removed surgically
*** With magnet removed

Select the Implant name below for further MRI information

HiRes™ Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant

The external components of the HiResolution™ Bionics Ear System are MR Unsafe and must be removed before entering a room containing an MRI scanner.

The implant components of the HiRes™ Ultra 3D cochlear implant are MR conditional.

The HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implants have a specifically designed magnet that allows safe MRI scanning with the magnet in place, without angular restrictions of the head, and without surgical removal of the magnet or a bandaging protocol.

Testing has demonstrated that the HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implant is MR Conditional. Unilateral and bilateral recipients with this device with magnet in place can be safely scanned in a horizontal closed bore quadrature coil MR system meeting the following conditions: 

MRI Field Strength



Maximum Spatial Field Gradient 20 T/m 20 T/m
RMS Gradient Field 34.4 T/s 34.4 T/s
Peak Slew Rate 200 T/m/s 200 T/m/s
Maximum Whole Body Averaged SAR 2.0 W/kg 2.0 W/kg
Maximum Head Averaged SAR 3.2 W/kg 2.6 W/kg

When tested under scan conditions defined above, the HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implant produced a maximum temperature rise of <3˚C after 15 minutes of continuous scanning.

Note: During the scan, patients might perceive auditory sensations. Adequate counseling of the patient is advised prior to performing the MRI. The likelihood and intensity of the auditory sensations can be reduced by selecting sequences with a lower Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and slower gradient slew rates.

The largest artifact at 3.0T is > 15 cm when imaged under spin echo and gradient echo sequences. Smaller artifacts are possible if using different scanning parameters or a non-magnetic plug.

Note: For cases that would clinically benefit from reduced device artifact (for example, some head or neck scans), the internal magnet is surgically removed and possibly replaced with a Temporary Non-Magnetic Plug before the recipient undergoes an MRI procedure. The HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implant can withstand 5 replacement cycles.

For additional information regarding the use of an MRI scanner with a HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant, please contact Advanced Bionics Technical Support at

HiRes™ Ultra Cochlear Implant

MRI Information

Device HiRes Ultra
Instructions For Use HiResolution Bionic Ear System: HiRes Ultra
1.5T magnet removed Scanning ok under certain conditions
1.5T magnet in place with MRI Antenna Coil Cover and bandaging protocol CI-7521 Scanning ok under certain conditions
3.0T magnet removed Scanning ok under certain conditions

HiRes™ 90K Cochlear Implant Family

MRI Information

Device HiRes 90k and HiRes 90K Advantage    
Instructions For Use HiResolution Bionic Ear System: HiRes 90K and 90K Advantage
1.5T magnet removed Scanning ok under certain conditions
1.5T magnet in place with MRI Antenna Coil Cover and bandaging protocol CI-7521 Scanning ok under certain conditions

MRI Warning

The HiRes 90K implant family, with either the internal magnet removed or left in place, has been tested with 1.5 Tesla/64 MHz and 0.3 Tesla/12 MHz MRI systems.

MRI is contraindicated except under the circumstances described below.

Do not allow patients with an implant from the HiRes 90K family to be in the area of an MRI system unless:

  • The bandaging protocol recommended by Advanced Bionics (029-M486) is followed when the patient undergoes an MRI procedure with the magnet left in place or,
  • The internal magnet is surgically removed and possibly replaced with the Magnet Insert Dummy before the patient undergoes an MRI procedure.
  • The external sound processor and headpiece are removed before entering a room where an MRI scanner is located.

MRI parameters should be selected to ensure a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of less than 1.0 W/kg in the head region at 1.5T.

Patient should be monitored verbally and visually throughout the MRI procedure.

Image shadowing may extend as far as 70 cm2 (without magnet) and 210 cm2 (with magnet) around the implant, resulting in loss of diagnostic information in the implant vicinity. The extent of the shadowing may be minimized by adjusting the signal parameters.

For additional information regarding the use of MRI, please read the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the HiRes 90K and HiRes 90K Advantage CI (9050050269) or contact Advanced Bionics Technical Support.

Note: In the EU, MRI Examination Request Form (029-M569) must be provided to Advanced Bionics for review and approval prior to performing the MRI.

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