Virtual Communicate with Success: Hearing Link Services

Hearing Link Services

Communicate with Success Virtual Event

Are you living with or supporting someone with hearing loss?

Are you a hearing healthcare professional who works with families with hearing loss?

Are you considering cochlear implants for yourself or your child?

Or, do you or your child already have an Advanced Bionics cochlear implant?

Join us online at our next virtual Communicate with Success event and learn more about Hearing Link and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Find out more about the support they can   offer families living with hearing loss and how they can provide practical help, peer support, help with technology, information and advice to anyone who needs it.

There will be opportunity for you to ask any questions that you might have yourself, or on behalf of a loved one or friend. You can submit these when you register, by emailing, or ask on the day!



Wednesday 28th February 2024

2.00pm - 3.00pm



Online Virtual Event via Zoom



Click here to register online for the event.



For more information email


Click here to register