
Power Options that Suit your Lifestyle

With AB, you have a variety of ways to power your sound processor to suit your lifestyle. Depending on which AB processor you or your child uses, it can be powered by convenient disposable options, eco-friendly rechargeable options, or both. 

Eco-Friendly, Cost-Effective Rechargeable 
Power Options

AB’s rechargeable power options are designed to provide outstanding hearing performance from morning to evening. Eco-friendly for environmentally conscious recipients, rechargeable batteries are also cost-effective and frequently covered by insurance. They are easy to use and can be conveniently charged each evening while you are sleeping, so they are ready to go as soon as you start your day. 

Convenient Disposable Power Options

For those who travel or are often on the go, disposable power options offer a convenient solution in case you forget to pack extras or bring a charger along with you. AB designed the Naída CI and Neptune™ sound processors to be powered conveniently by readily available disposable batteries.

  • Naída CI can be powered by two disposable zinc-air batteries or a AAA PowerPak.
  • Neptune can run on a single AAA disposable battery, available at virtually any filling station or convenience store.

Off-the-Ear Power Options

For children and recipients with small or delicate ears, these convenient options transfer the size and weight of the battery from the ear to the body for additional comfort. Bilateral recipients can take advantage of the bilateral power adapter to operate two processors with one power source.

  • PowerCel Adapter, BTE Power Adapter, and cable for Naída CI, Harmony, and Auria.
  • AAA PowerPak for Naída CI, Harmony, and Auria (uses three AAA rechargeable or disposable batteries) with up to 183 hours of battery life.

Power Option Compatibility

  • PowerCel 110, 170, 230, the new, smaller PowerCel 110 Mini and 170 Mini batteries, their associated charger, and accessories are compatible with AB’s Naída CI sound processor.
  • AAA rechargeable batteries and their associated chargers are compatible with the Neptune™ sound processor and the AAA PowerPak.
  • PowerCel Slim and PowerCel Plus rechargeable batteries, their associated charger, and accessories, are compatible with Naída CI processors with the Off-Ear-Power Options, as well as Harmony™ and Auria™ sound processors.
  • The PowerCel Adapter and related accessories are available for Naída CI, Harmony, and Auria sound processors.
  • The AAA PowerPak is available for Naída CI and Harmony sound processors.



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