Your child has a natural interest in interacting and communicating. Nurture and develop their early communication by providing stimulating and engaging experiences with rehAB resources.
At home and in the clinic, begin the journey to hearing with Advanced Bionics and the BabyBeats™ early intervention resource.
Before babies understand words, they respond to the emotion and musical aspects of your voice – the rhythmic aspect of language.
These musical interactions lay the foundation for early communication skills.
You should begin using BabyBeats™ early intervention resources right away. Even before receiving a cochlear implant, babies' brains are able to absorb a comprehensive world of sounds, voice, and music.
Once they receive their cochlear implants, the full range of rehAB resources for children will help them realize the full potential of their new AB technology.
Music Time supports the development of your child’s listening and language abilities through music. With Neptune™, the industry’s only waterproof sound processor, you can practice anytime — in the car, in the home, and even in the bath!
Discover how your child’s listening, language, and literacy skills can be developed through sharing musical activities in the Musical Journey.
Designed to help parents chronicle, support and enhance their young child's journey to hearing
The Parent Journal and Record Keeper is an excellent way to gather all your child's information in one place, to share with your hearing healthcare professionals. Introduce the Young Children Literacy Strategies to your toddler's pre-school or use the Early Intervention Communicative log from the exciting Tools for Toddlers suite of resources.
Monitor or Assess Progress with the IT-MAIS app or the Normal Developmental Milestones with Very Young Children; two of a variety of assessment tools from Tools for Toddlers. Explore rehAB assessments developed by experienced professionals – and understand the benefits and outcomes of cochlear implantation through research in areas such as ear bilateral implantation in children.
This assessment developed within the Nottingham Auditory Implant Programme (UK) team provides a detailed profile of the expected skills developed by a child across the first three years after receiving their cochlear implant.
NAMES charts the growth of active listening and auditory memory from the earliest days after the activation, through to a sufficient understanding of spoken language to enable children to learn by listening within a group situation; as would typically be the case in an educational setting.
Providing exceptional training for parents & professionals; including Working with infants and toddlers by Amy Robbins and Krista Heavner's Listening strategies for the very young child with an hearing loss.
Keep up to date with the latest information, topics, and guidance from webinars recorded live by leading (re)habilitation professionals worldwide.
Maximize the benefits of your child’s technology with the latest issues of the Loud and Clear! e-Newsletter – produced collaboratively with international leaders in their field of expertise and evidence-based practice.
The Loud & Clear! e-Newsletter is a complimentary periodical from rehAB that covers important topics relating to children with a hearing loss aged 0 to 3.
Contact your local AB representative to register for the latest issues.