Accessories | Advanced Bionics

Accessories that fit your style – and your life

AB is the only cochlear implant manufacturer to offer access to the Phonak ComPilot, AB myPilot, Phonak TVLink and Phonak RemoteMic for the ultimate in wireless connectivity. Advanced features and functionality link you seamlessly to Bluetooth devices, mobile phones, computers, media players, TVs, navigation systems, FM, and countless other devices. Choosing AB keeps you connected to the media that entertains you, the music that moves you, and the people who love you.

The AccessLine™ for Naída CI 

Phonak ComPilot

Wireless streaming accessory—The ComPilot offers advanced features and functionality that link you seamlessly to Bluetooth products, mobile phones, computers, media players, TVs, navigation systems, FM, and countless other devices.

AB myPilot

Instant control and status information—This easy-to-use remote control offers status information and one-touch changes to programs, volume, and sensitivity settings on your sound processor.

Phonak TVLink II

The ideal TV experience—The Phonak TVLink accessory with the ComPilotstreams high-quality audio directly to sound processor(s) or a Phonak hearing aid while recipients enjoy their favorite shows and movies.

Phonak RemoteMic

The wireless solution for noisy places—The lightweight RemoteMic with the ComPilot takes the strain out of one-on-one conversations in noisy places by streaming speech directly to one or both ears.



AB Helps Edward to Fit In

“My AB cochlear implant has had a great impact on my relationships, especially with my friends. Being able to hear as well as others do in school doesn’t set me apart from them.”

— Edward Freeman, AB recipient 

T-MicTM 2

As the industry’s only microphone placed at the opening of the ear canal, the T-Mic uses the outer ear’s sound-gathering capabilities for better hearing in noisy settings, and allows you to enjoy phones, earbuds, and headphones like everyone else.

Accessories for More Natural Hearing

AB’s patented T-Mic™ accessory places the microphone at the opening of the ear canal where it can take advantage of the outer ear’s sound-gathering shape to help you or your child hear more naturally. The result is more focused, effortless listening in any environment, from a quiet meeting room to a noisy classroom to listening to your car radio.

Accessories that Keep You Connected

  • Naída CI Q70 (Naída CI) features AccessLine™ accessories, including the Phonak ComPilotAB myPilotPhonak TVLink, and Phonak RemoteMic, for the ultimate in wireless consumer electronics connectivity.
  • Neptune™ features the T-Comm and Neptune Connect for connectivity to cell phones, MP3 players, FM systems and other popular consumer electronics.
  • Harmony’s T-Mic, iConnect, and Direct Connect allow for easy connectivity to consumer electronics, FM systems, and more.

Accessories that Provide Peace of Mind

  • The Naída CI Listening Check allows you to easily verify that all of the system’s microphone options are working properly.
  • The AB myPilot accessory for Naída CI enables status readouts and listening checks on additional microphone options and other diagnostic functions.
  • The Neptune Connect provides listening check capability for the headpiece, microphone and FM input.

Accessories that Keep You Connected

  • How you or your child choose to wear your sound processor is determined, in large part, by comfort and lifestyle. No matter which option you choose, AB offers a variety of accessories to fit your lifestyle and ensure you or your child are as comfortable as possible.

    AB accessories are designed to grow with you or your child, because the journey to hearing lasts a lifetime.
  • Off-the-Ear Power Options take the weight of the battery off the ear and transfer it to a wearing location on the clothing for more comfort, especially for young children or those with small ears.
  • Kinder Clip™ allows a sound processor to be worn completely off-the-ear for more freedom of movement and more comfort for those with small ears or active lifestyles.

Accessories that Express Your Personality

  • There’s no reason a cochlear implant system has to be plain or discreet – unless you want it to be that way. To help express the real you, AB provides three distinct ways to dress your system up, or down, whichever you or your child prefers. So as you venture into the world of hearing, you can make your processor stand out – or blend in – as much as you choose.

    • Skinit® with your favorite color, design, work of art, sports team logo, or just about anything else you can think of to match your mood or make a fashion statement.
    • Style it with an assortment of bold accent colors and patterns available from AB.
    • Conceal it with a color that blends in naturally with your own hair or skin color, for a more discreet look.

    Skinit is a registered trademark of Skinit, Inc.

“The T-Mic is a microphone at the entrance to my ear canal. This allows my ears to focus the sound to the mic, just like natural hearing. When I use the phone, I hold it up to my ear just like anybody else… Best of all, I hear better with it, particularly in noisy situations.”

Howard Samuels, implanted at age 44, bilaterally implanted at age 47


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