The HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant’s innovative magnet provides alignment to the 3D MRI field, allowing adult and pediatric users to safely undergo high-resolution imaging, such as 3.0 Tesla MRIs, without any preparation or head bandaging.
This unique magnet is composed of four rotatable magnet rods encased in a revolving disc that allows the magnet to provide alignment with the MRI field in all three dimensions. So, there is no need for head bandaging. And there is no need for restriction of head orientation at any time when in an MRI field.
Thanks to the magnet’s ability to provide alignment to the magnetic field, the torque generated in the magnet is so low, that it translates to pressure values below the pain or discomfort thresholds for adults and pediatric recipients.1,2,3,4 The magnet in the HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implant, when compared to the standard Ultra magnet, has similar artefact when undergoing an MRI procedure.5
For your patients, this means uninterrupted hearing. When getting an MRI, all they have to do is take off their processor and headpiece prior to the MRI. And when the scan is done, put them back on to continue hearing.
The magnet in the HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implant was tested to remain functional for life. In bench tests, the magnet keeps going without any fear of demagnetization or damage even after 200 3T MRI routines.6
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Antonaci, F, et al. Pressure Algometry in Healthy Subjects: Inter-Examiner Variability. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 30, 1998
Antonaci, F, et al. Pain threshold in humans. A study with the pressure algometer. Functional Neurology, 7(4) 1992
Ferracini, GN. A Comparison Pressure Pain Threshold in Pericranial and Extracephalic Regions in Children with Migraine. Pain Medicine, 15, 2014
Cambridge Study: Ci2018 Antwerp
Magnet testing data on file.