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Tools for Schools
and Toddlers

Tools for Toddlers and Tools for Schools provide support and resources to grow with your child. Help your child get a head start and stay at the head of the class. Click the links below to explore.

Tools for Toddlers
For babies, toddlers, parents, and professionals

Tools for Schools
For school-aged children, parents, and professionals

Helping Babies and Toddlers Get a Strong Start

Help your infant or toddler get a strong start after identification of hearing loss. Explore the FREE tools below to support your child's success in the early years. 

Bond. Play. Learn.

landing page of babybeats


Discover how to use music with your baby following identification of hearing loss.

Use BabyBeats to guide you and your baby through multi-sensory, musical activities to stimulate bonding, brain development, early communication and listening skills. These activities will lay a foundation that will continue to build through the toddler years.

Download BabyBeats here: Google Play | Apple App Store

The Listening Room

two friends and a child in the gym

The Listening Room rehabilitation website provides you with a foundation of interactive and specifically designed practice activities to support the development of speech, language, and listening skills in children.

Activity of the Month:

Helping Children Succeed in School

Advanced Bionics makes it simple for schools to support students with cochlear implants. Explore the FREE tools below to help children succeed in the classroom.


Click each link below to view a recorded audio power point presentation. Each presentation is 30 minutes long. To obtain CEU credit print out the course certificate provided and submit it to your professional organization.

Educational Support

Downloadable Presentations

Product Guides and Troubleshooting

Click on the device you are working with below to find product guides and troubleshooting information. To speak with Advanced Bionics directly please contact an AB representative at 866-844-HEAR(4327) or email